dinsdag 22 december 2015

Hole in the map

 Finally finished an idea I had months ago. And I still have some more that are at the same stage of being unfinished. But with this one I had the difficulty of how to handle the subject. On my blog I find it much easier to talk freely about any subject, but when it comes to the YWAM Knowledge Base I carry a certain amount of responsibility. Especially when I write about the region in the Middle East.
 Some months ago I created a worldmap on which every country could be clicked to get to a page. I really wanted to create it, because I find it fun. Click on a nation and get to know more about a nation and see what YWAM does in these places. But with this region I got into trouble. One of my fellow administrators didn't like that I also added pages for the countries that are dangerous for Christians to live. So quite some got deleted. Giving me a lot of frustration, of course, because now my map was ruined. Having a burning hole in a map makes it kind of useless.
 Anyway I could solve it quickly by making a redirect to a page that brought you back at the map. A loop that could go on forever. But in the back of my mind I wasn't happy about it. I already had a solution, but I didn't put it in until now. The nations in question are part of the 10/40 window and I had already included a category with the same name with each of these countries. But I had not created a page yet for the 10/40 Window.
 I think it was due to some frustration or just the responsibility and carefulness that I hadn't written it yet. But now I have. It is short, simple and as far as I know harmless. Today I finished it by connecting the countries by linking them up with this page: 10/40 Window.
 Only one more thing was important to add. And that was to protect each individual page. No one can write or edit it, unless they talk with the administrator (Me & the team). In that way nothing can happen that could offend anyone.
 If you read this and don't like it, or want to add something, well.. just tell me.

vrijdag 18 december 2015

Good and the Bad - 't Goede en Slechte

 Dear reader,

 It has been some time that I worked on my blogs. Life isn't always easy and I found it hard to motivate myself to write. Even though I haven't really left YWAM and still work on the YWAM Knowledge Base website, it has been difficult to share about this too.
 But now I am seriously thinking about writing again. To share even when things are not going alright. Of course no one has to read what I write. But if you like what you read or something you like to share that okay with me.
 So far only an introduction. I will post this also on the YWAM KB page on facebook, but only when it relates to that subject. My other blog will be revived as well and be posted on my facebook.

 Geachte lezer,

 Het is een tijd geleden dat ik aan mijn blogs gewerkt heb. 't Leven is niet altijd makkelijk en ik vond het moeilijk om mijzelf te motiveren om te schrijven. Ondanks dat ik JMEO niet echt verlaten heb en nog steeds werk aan de website van de JMEO Knowledge Base, is ook hiervoor moeilijk geweest om dingen te delen.
 Maar nu denk ik er weer serieus over om te gaan schrijven. Om te delen zelfs als dingen niet goed gaan. Natuurlijk is niemand verplicht om te lezen wat ik schrijf. Maar als je het leuk vind wat je leest of je wilt iets delen dan is dat oké.
 Tot zo ver de introductie. Ik zal dit bericht ook delen van de YWAM KB pagina op facebook, maar ook alleen als het met dat onderwerp te maken heeft. Mijn andere blog start ik ook weer opnieuw op en delen via mijn eigen facebook pagina.

zaterdag 7 maart 2015


 Daar is die dan eindelijk.. Een nieuwe promo. Oké, hij is wat kort.. maar het is ook maar een probeerseltje.

 Finally there it is.. a new promo. Alright, it's a bit short.. but it is just a try out.